wow that’s a lot of REM/ didn’t i recognize the subtle streets ahead reference from Community! told ya it’d catch on/ slightly detest how epi 7 went down coz it feels like i was force fed a whole bottle of Kool Aid but i guess the character Cuz needs inner drive and clarity to shift into position/ better than season 1 how it ends in pain and chaos
做个哑巴就等于优雅太多太多语焉不详的缺失时刻太过女性作家叙事方式太有年代感了连晋江文学最近都不流行这种创作者本身都没意识到话语权的让渡拿谁作对比都显得空泛况且69chinese HD XXXX为了有个男人随随便便被呼来换去冒着大雨要去见深夜旮旯小店也要去见恐怕真实东京姑娘看完心里会骂娘